Code of Ethics
Always honor one’s family and give without the expectation of receiving. Strive for family honor. It is a life-time responsibility.
Second to one’s family, honor your teacher. They are to be treated like a father or mother who gives the art of life. Give and sacrifice without the expectation of receiving. It is a life-time responsibility for one’s official teacher.
Treat your fellow students as a brother or sister. By giving and helping them to be better, in truth this will strengthen yourself.
Senior students, be humble. Treat junior students as equals, thus, enabling you to have the respected position of senior.
Junior students, be respectful to your senior. Their treatment of you of you as an equal is a sign that they are starting to understand a deeper Kung Fu or Tai Chi Chuan and are worthy of senior respect. This humbleness is to be respected.
Never consider yourself knowledgeable, regardless of time in training. We are only on a staircase that is very long and with no apparent end.
Recognize that everyone will have strengths greater than yourself and weaknesses, regardless of their time in the art. Try to help their weaknesses. In turn, your weaknesses will be eventually strengthened.
Senior students are responsible to demonstrate the “code of ethics” in and out of class. This example shows that you yourself don’t consider your art separate from your everyday life.
Rely on your teacher’s judgment as best as one can. Many times you may not agree with policies or actions, but it is your responsibility to stand behind them and strive for better understanding as junior students do towards you.
Remember teachers are human. They make mistakes and have human problems like anyone else.
Be an example of courtesy, regardless of what step you are on in Kung for or Tai Chi Chuan. Courtesy in and out of class is a sign of strength. By giving courtesy, you get courtesy and respect.
Empty your cup of tea. Allow criticism and suggestions by anyone.
Never openly criticize your teacher. Hold your doubts or criticisms to yourself and possibly your view will change later on the matter.
Don’t think of criticism as personal. Criticism is only a suggestion or sharing to gain better refinement from outside eyes.
Pride. Carry yourself earnestly try your best even if it’s not up to your expectation. Disregard other people’s expectations of you.
Sparring and push hands practice is practice in containing one’s ego. Approach this practice with a smile and from that you will get better at it. Remember Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan is sharing and not competitive unless you make it so.
The showing of too much power in any sparring or joint exercises shows you have low level of ego containment. Use of technique with kindness and appreciate is a sign of strength. To intimidate others is low level.
Tenacity. It is your responsibility to try your best in all classes. Do not allow yourself to just follow or stand idle. Practice yourself, regardless of your grasp or ability of the technique. Tenacity is the ability to keep trying with or without the teacher.
Cleanliness. Refined cleanliness means a refined mind. Clean clothes and body show by example the honor and ethics you hold.
Never ask for more knowledge. Let the teachers decide when you are ready. To ask is a sign that you have down what has already been given to you. Remember any knowledge has a lifetime of perfecting. By working hard what you have is the first sign that you are getting ready for more and deserve it.
Always remember your teacher’s birthday, Christmas, etc. Give them some gift or appreciation from your heart no matter how small.
If you are far away from your teacher and you visit them or any other teachers, it is proper to bring them a small give each time.
If you have had a falling out with your teacher, but want to reestablish your connection, it is most important to bring a gift upon your “first” contact and give your humble apology, regardless of whether you feel it is totally deserved. A good teacher will always accept a good apology regardless, if they feel they were wrong, or you were wrong.
Anytime one invites the teacher over to their home or anywhere else, it is essential that there is always food and drink available. This shows good manners and respect.
Always introduce your teacher with their respected title in and out of class. They should not be addressed by their first name. The title of Sifu or master shows respect.